Wednesday, February 3, 2010


I am told I don’t update this often enough. Good thing I have a bad ass Iphone and of course there's an app for Blogger! So hopefully I’ll be able to update more.
School is getting tricky. With the plan to be in Erie right after my summer semester wraps up, I will need to go to nursing school there. I applied to Penn State but didn’t have a chemistry class done yet so I’m not sure if I’m getting in there. It’s dumb though because I’m going to be taking that class during the summer. Whatever. So tonight I’m going to apply to Gannon and Edinboro too just in case. And if those don’t pan out, well then I get to be a year behind in my plans since you can only start your nursing clinicals in the fall. But I guess I can take this as an opportunity to bring up some of my grades and take some more unnecessary classes these colleges feel like I need that CCBC doesn’t think I need.

I’ve been working an abnormal amount of overtime to pay our bills and just give us a little “cushion” in our bank account. There is a never ending workflow of appeals so I’m happy that there is always an overtime opportunity.

We have been re-doing the house with any free time left. I give credit to my mom and my husband for the majority of the work since I’m working a lot of the time they have been doing things. I really want to be able to sell this house fast. Also hoping to find a house in Erie to rent quickly too. I have QUITE the list of things I want/need out of this house:
*central air
*2-3 bedrooms
*backyard (bonus points for it being fenced in)
*no garage needed but a bonus if we have one
*not that much carpet in the house, mostly hardwood floors
*fireplace?! (that is an extreme bonus, will be thrilled to find one)
*allows cats/dogs

Just a lot to think about in a relatively short amount of time.
I wish I had a social life.


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.25 .married .tattooist's wife .Pittsburgh .comic nerd .hair stylist .certified pharmacy technician. pharmacy liasion .appeals coordinator .nursing school.