Saturday, July 7, 2012

07.07.2012's been a year since the last post.
alot has changed in good/bad ways.

+i passed med/surg.
-i failed peds by 2%.
+i got into mercy SON in pitt
-i had to pretty much waste 8 months in the meantime waiting for class to start again
+i went to philly for my birthday with my mom
+i'm going to vegas with joe for a little vacation before school starts
-joe's car died
+he got a new one about 2 months ago
+i feel like i'm better off at this new school as far as starting over
-i still live an hour away from school/joe's work

<3. -ashley.


My photo
.25 .married .tattooist's wife .Pittsburgh .comic nerd .hair stylist .certified pharmacy technician. pharmacy liasion .appeals coordinator .nursing school.