Wednesday, December 30, 2009

my mortal enemy

dear self,
quit getting sinus infections that spread to your tonsils and uvula. it makes you sound like an idiot and it just plain hurts.

thank you.

-the rest of the body.


Monday, December 21, 2009



This is amazing. I am so happy. I really needed this.


ps-my gpa still sucks from the first time i went to college and some of those classes are bringing my grade down... :-/

Thursday, November 12, 2009


so because the economy sucks, people are more intersted in putting food on their table than getting tattooed. completely understandable. so needless to say, joe hasnt been that busy at work.

so he came up with this idea and i think its a cute way to get people in the shop and make some money:

all together it come out that the whole thing costs $20.00 this friday only.
not that much of a profit but at this point we're using the spare change jar to cover any expenses....

so if you know anyone in the eastern ohio/pittsburgh/northern west virginia area, please share!


Thursday, October 1, 2009

major catch up

If I had it my way, I would work 12:30-9 M-F. I really miss that shift when I worked at Eckerd. I would wake up late, stay up late and it would all work out. I had to get up at 7:30am this morning and you would have thought the world ended. I had FIVE ALARMS set to go off in case I didn’t wake up or hit them unconsciously.

I got a new phone!

I love it so much. It’s so cute! I was really scared to make the transition to touch screen only but I got use to it really quick. I’m just so scared I’m going to break it….hopefully not!

So I don’t know if I mentioned Joe got a spot working the Pittsburgh Tattoo Convention (Meeting of the Marked). He wrote a blog entry on MySpace about it, here’s the link:

Rizzy had her baby! Her name is Sylvia and she is absolutely beautiful. Now I normally don’t like babies/children. But she is so different. And this is a good thing because I was 100% sure if I wanted kids but I know I do now. Not for a long time but someday. I guess it was just seeing Rizzy hold her and just looking at her with all that love. I cried like a baby, it just touched my heart.

Really need to get some new tattoos done but I haven’t had the time. I really want to get my coy finished but it’s just so big. And I thought maybe I can get a peacock on the other side of my back. I want something to compliment it and I only have one tattoo to cover up on my right side! I am for sure getting a cowgirl pin-up at the Pittsburgh show from JR for my other grandpa who passed away. He loved cowboys and Indians. I love pin-ups. Good mesh of things. Now I just have to think of one for yia-yia then I’m all caught up on memorial Hopefully no one dies soon.

School has been really hard lately. Anatomy and Physiology is just a lot of memorizing but it’s like OVERKILL. I normally do well with just memorizing definitions and charts/diagrams but I wrote out 11 pages of notes on this test from the review my teacher gave us. I feel really unprepared for class tonight and for my first test. Really hoping it isn’t that hard.



Tuesday, September 15, 2009


oops, been neglecting my blog!
things have been pretty good.
lost a pant size.
joes been traveling alot guest spotting.
working from home is awesome still.
will update properly as soon as possible.

Friday, August 14, 2009


okay, so since last time I've posted I've:

Ywent to Erie with Joe

Y lost and found my wedding rings

Y got a "b" in human growth

Y got a "d" in bio chem

Y lost a few pounds

Y took Frankenstein into lake Erie to swim

Y lost my grandpa-he passed away a few days ago and its been really hard

Y got three tattoos:

just wanted to take this opportunity to extend my thanks to my friends who have supported me through all of the death I've gone through in the past 2 years. 3 grandparents passing away in 2 years?! my mom has been my rock though out everything- i don't know where id be without her. Joe has equally been supportive and i am lucky and blessed to have such a great husband. i am thinking of not speaking to the petronchak side of the family anymore because all they do is bring me down and i am just not feeling it anymore. i know for sure i don't want to speak to my dad anymore. i don't know even what to say to him. he sent me a text when my grandpa died that simply said "grandpa died"..... wtf?! who does that?! he didn't even call me to see how i was or talk to me at the funeral. oh well, big decision time.

more later, 13 hour work day!



Saturday, August 1, 2009

joes gone...

so joe is tattooing in erie right now for the weekend. i really really miss him.

ive cleaned the entire house up and down.

im thinking of taking frank to the dog park with my mom tomorrow to try to break up the time.

im having some people over tonight so i can socialize.

sooooo its
silas, megan, rizz,weber, monica and her cousin jennie may be coming over thoughout the nite.
going to finish cleaning everything, getting made uo and waiting for my crew to come!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

rizzys baby shower!

rizzy and weber.
my mom and silas.
rizzy and ruzella.
me and silas.
me rizzy and silas.
megan me rizzy and silas.
megan and ruzella.

Friday, July 24, 2009

baby shower prep!

my best friends baby shower is tomorrow.
i am not ready AT ALL.
so i have a busy busy busy day today.
*work til 6pm.
*go to cranberry to get a new outfit from lane bryant for the shower (I GOT A COUPON!)
*go buy her a present! (i love getting paid the day before...)
*make 24 of these favors:
*finally color my hair!!


Wednesday, July 22, 2009



i got an "A" on my human growth test!

i cant believe it!

after i put the finishing touches on my paper, pizza n watchmen nite can start!


Tuesday, July 21, 2009


i am beyond stressed. i still have yet to write my paper for biochem. i have to apparently take a make-up test for biochem also. AND i have a human growth test tomorrow.... ugh.

on a darker note, i mentioned my friend melissa awhile ago on my other journal:

well she passed away on Sunday. i really dont even know how to act. i want to go to the viewing but im not sure if that would be mentally good for me. i cant imagine what her family is going through. i be perfectly healthly, expecting children, starting a new position at your company..then boom, coma. i can remember when we would hang out at a friend house (before she was pregnant) and she would say how much she didnt want kids, she felt like she was in a good direction in her life...


Monday, July 20, 2009

sonic championship!

So yesterday went well. Joe and I got a gift card for Applebee’s for our birthdays...I hate that restaurant. The service sucks, the food is wayyy overpriced and we automatically get into bad moods when we go in there...weird I know. So that happened, then we went Wal Marting to grocery shop. They are re-doing our Wal Mart and its SO CRAZY there. Nothing is where it was before, there is only one set of bathrooms open and there's just crap everywhere...can’t wait till it's fixed. Then we came home, I played the crap outta little big planet. Then we watched the iron giant. I cried my eyes out...I love robots! Then Joe decided to play sonic 2 and try to beat it. He got as far as the wing fortress and then he gave up because it was like 3am...

Today consists of working and trying to start/finish my biochem report.

ps- midnight Wal Marting to get Watchmen!

Saturday, July 18, 2009


So I finally broke down and got a real blog.
I belong to a community since 2002.
here is that blog:

I'm giving this a whirl in hopes that I can keep two blogs at once.
A little about myself:

I am 24. I am married to Joe who is a tattoo artist. We've know each other for about 10 years and have dated on and off in that time period. We've been back together for about 5 years and just got married last October in Las Vegas! I am currently in nursing school. I am already a certified pharmacy technician, cosmetology instructor and a medical coder and biller. So whats one more license, right? I work for a health care insurance company. I am currently working from home in their medical payment department. I don't love my job but I love the money. If I could start over again, I would go to pharmacy school. Maybe I'll do that after nursing school... I have a dog who is a beagle named Frankenstein and two cats (Olivia and Boris).

Hope to be posting more on here!



My photo
.25 .married .tattooist's wife .Pittsburgh .comic nerd .hair stylist .certified pharmacy technician. pharmacy liasion .appeals coordinator .nursing school.